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Thursday, March 10, 2011
New Blog is Up!
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011
I'm working on creating another blog. More of a general/healthy/food/whatever blog. I feel boxed in with this one and need to spread my wings a little. I'll keep you posted on when I actually write something so you can follow that one.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Day 5: Places I Hope I Go This Year
Oopsie about Day #4. The topic was Best Leftover Recipe, and I really don't eat leftovers too often so I kind of had a mental block about it.
Today's topic is the places that I hope to travel to this year.

Numero uno on that list for both Brian and I would be Seattle, Washington. He's absolutely in love with the city and I am too. He's been dying to go back there since I've known him, so it would be awesome if we got to go back together.

Ahh, St. Maarten. This would be a dream honeymoon location. Brian could watch planes and I could lay on the beach. No, we're not engaged. Just some wishful thinking. :) haha
Random, but my Pandora station today is pretty much kicking a$$. If you like Glee, Broadway music, Disney soundtracks, and pop songs, you'll dig it. Want to listen to it? Go here.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Day 3: Work it if you got it
I wish I could say that I had a great workout tip, but I'm not much of an exerciser. However, I do love the Couch to 5K program if you are interested in starting to run. I've never been one to love running, but the day that I could run three minutes straight was a proud day.
Also, have a friend that you can workout with so you'll be accountable. If you are both committed to going to the gym together or running together, you're more likely to accomplish your goals and get into good habits.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Day 2: Favorite Holiday Memory
It's so hard for me to pick a favorite holiday memory. Every year has a great memory.
There was the year that I got tickets to a certain boy-band concert.
There was the year that I got my first car.
Last year, we had our very first White Christmas.
This past Christmas was pretty great. I went to candlelight service with my parents and then had taco soup with them after church. Then I met up with Brian to have Christmas Eve with his dad's side of the family. Christmas morning, we had present-opening/breakfast with my parents, lunch with his mom's side of the family, and then a FABULOUS dinner at my parents' house.
Every year that I'm blessed to spend with my family for Christmas makes for a good memory.
Being around this little guy wasn't so bad either. :)