This one could get lengthy. Christmas movies are probably one of my favorite genres of movies and I have several to get me into the spirit.
My all-time favorite Christmas movie has to be

My mom and I would watch this together every year. If it's on TV, I watch it. I had a DVD in college and lost it, so last year I had to seek it out to replenish my stock.
Other favorite Christmas movies are (in no specific order)

A Muppet Christmas Carol - this is probably my #2 favorite Christmas Movie.

Love Actually

Little Women - the 1994 version with Winona Ryder

Christmas Vacation

A Christmas Story - which, I had never seen the full movie until a few years ago. I always watch the 24 hours of A Christmas Story on TBS, but I always came in at different spots and never saw the full movie. Brian had to remedy that since it's his favorite Christmas movie.

Great choices!
Minus A Christmas Story and add Miracle on 34th Street, and this is my exact list :)
Love Christmas Vacation
I just love Love Actually ... Such a great movie! :)
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