Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 11: New Year Resolutions

I always end up making Resolutions for the New Year, and just like everyone else, they don't last long. I mean well, I really do.

So here's what I will strive to do in 2011:
1. Lose weight. Such a cop out answer, but it's so needed. I'm not healthy right now and will like to get down to what I was a couple of years ago.
2. Run a 5K. Yes, I did one two months ago but I walked a lot of it. So my goal is to get back into running and actually run a full 3.1 miles.
3. Spend more time with my friends.
4. Have date nights with Brian more often.
5. Clean my house more often. :)
and last, but not least:
6. Blog more!

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